What is the best travel credit card?
Q: What is the best travel credit card?
A: The internet is full of confusing information. I will make it simple. Very simple. What is your initial budget? If you can spend $4000 on a credit card in 3 months, then I would recommend getting the Chase Sapphire Preferred. This will give you the best credit card for travel rewards and only has a $95 annual fee.
If you cannot spend $4000 in 3 months, then I would recommend getting the Chase Freedom Unlimited for Domestic US purchases only. This card has a low $500 initial spend within 3 months and will give you 200 cash back or 20,000 points bonus on sign up. Once you can justify a $4000 purchase on a credit card, then get the Chase Sapphire Preferred. Use my links below and get the sign up bonus of 60,000 for the Chase Sapphire Preferred or 20,000 points for the Chase Freedom Unlimited.